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00:00 Welcome to Otto and Sons nurseries
00:02 Rose Care University winter pruning
00:05 we've put together this series of videos
00:07 for you on how to prune different types
00:08 of roses during winter here in Southern
00:10 California
00:11 roses don't naturally go dormant here in
00:13 Southern California so we need to
00:14 induce that through our winter pruning
00:16 and care that we're going to go through
00:18 in this series of videos
00:20 that will include going over how to
00:21 prune hybrid teas floribundas english
00:23 garden david austin roses as well as
00:25 tree roses and ground covers
00:27 we all we do all of this so that we can
00:29 get the best blooms for spring and make
00:31 sure we have a nice
00:32 uh well well manicured and size
00:35 controlled garden
00:36 we hope you enjoy the content we've put
00:38 together and we look forward to
00:39 discussing it with you here at the
00:40 garden sometime soon
00:41 thanks for watching
00:02 hi i'm Danny with Otto and Sons welcome
00:04 to my uh
00:04 my backyard here i wanted to shoot this
00:07 video for you guys to show you how to
00:08 take care of your pruners we're getting
00:09 into
00:10 pruning season and it's important to
00:11 have a well-maintained set of clippers
00:14 going in
00:15 to start doing all your pruning work
00:16 whether it's on your orchard or your
00:18 rose garden or your bushes or whatever
00:19 that might be
00:20 so i'm going to talk today about the
00:22 falco pruners but this goes for any set
00:24 of pruners we're also going to do some
00:25 basic repairs on how to take these apart
00:27 if you'd say chip a blade or break a
00:29 blade
00:29 or break any other part of these or they
00:31 just fall apart on you and so we'll
00:33 we'll zoom in here
00:33 get some close-up work on kind of how to
00:35 take them apart how to put them back
00:36 together it's very simple
00:38 if you bought the pruners i came with
00:39 all the tools you need to take them
00:40 apart and put them back together
00:42 so that'll be nice to just just go
00:44 through that and then also
00:45 we'll talk about basic sharpening of the
00:47 pruners as well as how to maintain them
00:50 in season
00:51 and what to do just to make sure they
00:52 stay at tip top condition while you're
00:54 going through so let's zoom in here to
00:56 the workbench
00:57 and talk about uh where where to get
00:59 started
01:03 okay so here we are with our felco
01:05 pruners we've got our number twos here
01:07 that need a little repair that i'm gonna
01:08 show you how to do unfortunately we
01:09 can't do the whole repair
01:11 because it takes more work than what we
01:13 can do on this workbench here but i'll
01:14 show you
01:15 how to do everything except for the
01:17 hammering part because
01:19 hammering doesn't work on my nice table
01:22 i'd be my wife would be very mad at me
01:24 so we're not going to do that part
01:26 but i'll show you how to do everything
01:27 except for that and then
01:29 here's my personal pair this is a broken
01:31 pair that we had a customer drop off
01:33 so i wanted to show you just the
01:34 difference in kind of layout
01:36 and things like that so this is a number
01:38 two this is a number
01:40 eight all falcos have a number on them
01:42 right here on the back side that tell
01:43 you what the model is that's important
01:45 if you need to buy
01:46 replacement parts um so you know what
01:48 number you have so you can buy
01:50 replacement parts and we'll talk about
01:51 those in a minute
01:52 you can see that generally they're built
01:55 very similar
01:56 they have um this locking mechanism in
01:59 the middle or this this is kind of the
02:00 pivot point
02:01 nut and it has a lock on it so that nut
02:03 doesn't move
02:04 and then this is the the blade lock so
02:07 let's talk
02:08 about that so to use falco pruners we
02:11 want to have
02:12 our thumb on the side with all this
02:14 fancy stuff going on you see the other
02:15 side it's got a lot less going on
02:17 and what we do is we pull that and that
02:19 should easily open and then we have the
02:21 falc the pruner should open and close
02:23 we want them to move slowly you'll see
02:25 these are kind of
02:26 jumping a little bit they're not they're
02:28 not moving as smoothly so we're going to
02:30 do a little service on these guys i have
02:31 not taken care of these at all this year
02:33 so they're very abused so it's perfect
02:36 timing to talk about how to take care of
02:37 these before we need to go in and start
02:39 pruning in the rose garden and do our
02:40 orchard which is right over there
02:42 so um so there's the lock
02:46 it should be your thumb that you use
02:47 this is the right-handed pair of
02:49 clippers these are built for
02:50 right-handed people your thumbs should
02:51 be on top so you can easily move that
02:52 back and forth
02:53 if you get a new pair and that's not
02:55 moving as like as easy as you'd like
02:57 a little bit of lubrication on this
02:59 whole mechanism here
03:00 should clean that right up and it should
03:02 work if it still won't move this
03:04 this screw right here this bolt might be
03:06 over tightened and you can give it a
03:07 little bit of a loosening and
03:08 this will definitely move no problem
03:10 then so um
03:12 so let's talk before we talk about how
03:13 to fix them like i said on these these
03:15 ones have a broken part here
03:16 you can see that this part is broken off
03:19 we'll talk about how to kind of take the
03:20 whole thing apart if we want to get at
03:21 that
03:22 and so um so we're going to set those
03:25 aside just for a moment
03:26 so here is our basic our basic pruner
03:29 kind of tutorial i guess on how to take
03:30 care of your pruners in season
03:32 so first of all we want to try and keep
03:35 them well lubricated
03:36 so i am going to put down a towel
03:40 underneath my
03:41 pruners here so that i don't get grease
03:44 over my table which is always a good
03:45 thing
03:46 so we want to keep this whole thing all
03:50 lubricated so wd-40 that everybody's
03:51 very familiar with can be a good choice
03:53 here
03:54 it's not the best lubricant but it does
03:56 a pretty good job
03:57 of keeping your pruners from rusting
03:59 that's a very good thing a lot of this
04:01 in here is steel so if you leave them
04:02 out in the rain
04:03 or in or the sprinklers go off on them
04:06 they will rust
04:07 so we want to keep the water off of them
04:08 wd-40 does a great job of making sure
04:10 that the water disperses wd
04:12 water dispersal agent keep all the water
04:16 out of the mechanism so w40 can be a
04:17 great thing there
04:18 also if we want to go with a little bit
04:20 more lubricant falco has their own
04:21 lubricant spray
04:23 there's lots of multi-purpose
04:25 lightweight lubricating oils that can
04:27 also be used or silicone-based products
04:29 that can also be used for lubricating so
04:31 i'm going to give it a quick spritz with
04:33 this stuff just to
04:34 kind of get the process going here and
04:36 that'll help penetrate
04:38 in all the screws and things like that
04:40 and help loosen up any of the any of the
04:42 the the junk that's stuck on my clippers
04:45 hopefully help with that sticking hope i
04:46 missed the spring i'm gonna get the
04:47 spring a little bit extra here
04:49 so um the next step so we're gonna kind
04:52 of give that a little work that's
04:53 already moving a lot easier than it was
04:54 we're going to open them up and some
04:57 people really like
04:59 this to all stay nice and shiny and
05:00 clean it doesn't bother me as much
05:02 but a wire brush can be very helpful if
05:04 you have chunks of
05:06 rose and old stems and stuff and you
05:08 really want to start off shiny
05:10 you can give them a whole work down with
05:11 a wire brush we have these in the garden
05:13 shop they're good for
05:14 also doing some specific cleaning
05:16 cleanup work on roses and things like
05:17 that so you have these in the garden
05:18 shop if you are
05:19 dying to have your own little hopefully
05:21 it looks better than this this has
05:23 been well used but you can get a little
05:25 scrub up here and there if you want to
05:26 really script polish them up and make
05:27 them shine before you get going you're
05:29 more than welcome to do that
05:30 the roses don't care how shiny your
05:32 pruners are however but one thing they
05:33 do care about is how well the blade
05:36 is sharpened so these are what's called
05:37 a bypass pruner so
05:39 when they cut the two blades go by each
05:42 other and that's what we want to use
05:43 when we're pruning plant material we're
05:44 going to have this bypass printer
05:46 there's another type of pruner on the
05:47 market that's called an anvil pruner
05:49 they're cheaper to make and they're not
05:50 as precise but they also and the one of
05:53 the bad things they do in the garden
05:54 is that they will can smash the branch
05:57 so they go like this the cutting blade
05:59 comes in and it hits a flat surface
06:01 and that can smash the branch on both
06:03 sides when you're kind of squeezing it
06:04 in so
06:05 we don't like those anvil types they're
06:06 generally like i said a lot cheaper
06:08 than the bypass a lot more durable
06:09 however they're not the best
06:11 for keeping your plant stem and making a
06:14 nice clean cut and keeping high quality
06:15 branches
06:16 so so this is bypass so the reason i'm
06:19 talking about bypass is because
06:21 half of this blade is completely flat
06:23 this side and then this side is tapered
06:25 which is where the cutting edge
06:26 is built okay so and then this the
06:30 bypass area this is also completely flat
06:32 so we have this flat this needs to be
06:34 flat
06:35 and this part needs to be flat so that
06:37 when we go down
06:38 we have a nice thin no clearance very
06:40 thin clearance section so that it
06:42 doesn't
06:43 end up pinching the branch we've all
06:45 done that
06:46 where you cut down and it doesn't
06:47 actually cut and it kind of gets caught
06:49 in that gap and it just doesn't quite
06:50 come off and all that
06:51 that's because something is bent in here
06:53 and doesn't quite something's not lining
06:55 up or there's too much space right we'll
06:57 talk about how to fix that here in a
06:58 moment
06:58 okay so sharpening is what is what i'm
07:01 leading up to i guess
07:02 and when we sharpen we take this side
07:03 that has the taper and you'll see
07:05 flat side here tapered side here you'll
07:08 see that and we're going to we're going
07:09 to sharpen it now it's not
07:11 like a kitchen knife where we have a
07:12 whole wet stone in the whole deal you
07:14 can do that if you really want to take
07:15 the whole thing apart and start out
07:17 and really get the whole thing honed in
07:19 if that's what you want to do and i'll
07:20 show you how to take the blade off in a
07:21 minute but in order to use a wet stone
07:23 or a dry stone or things like that
07:24 you have to take the whole clipper apart
07:25 and that's not something we're always
07:26 going to do so what can we do
07:28 ins when we're when we are pruning or in
07:30 this type of situation before we start
07:32 pruning
07:32 is we can use what's called a little
07:34 carbide sharpener and these are these
07:36 are by falco
07:36 there's two different sizes i'm going to
07:38 use the bigger one here and
07:40 um well i guess they're not it doesn't
07:41 say falcon here but this might be one of
07:43 their other brands i'm not sure
07:44 but i'm going to use this bigger one
07:46 here and has the
07:47 the sharpening side and then this is
07:48 also a flat side for grinding for
07:50 taking out burrs and things i'll show
07:51 you how to use that in a moment the
07:53 first thing we're going to do
07:54 is we're going to take our pruners we're
07:56 going to hold by the cutting side so
07:57 this blade
07:58 is attached to this handle so we're
07:59 going to hold that and then we're going
08:00 to take our
08:02 our this side here that has the taper we
08:04 come in here
08:05 down low and we kind of work it across
08:07 the blade like this
08:09 and we just give it a couple a couple
08:11 swipes at an angle
08:13 and there's a nice kind of angle built
08:15 in here on the on the sharpener so you
08:16 kind of know what angle you're supposed
08:18 to be at
08:18 you just give it a couple shapes you'll
08:19 notice it'll start getting shiny and
08:21 give the old finger test i guess oh yeah
08:23 it's nice and sharp okay
08:24 so that's good i'm going to give it a
08:26 little bit more down in here where you
08:27 do most of the cutting it usually dulls
08:28 the most down here
08:30 and then this is not that bad uh over
08:32 time though
08:33 we can kind of wear out our blades doing
08:35 this because you are removing material
08:36 from the blade right as you do this
08:38 so you'll see especially on heavily used
08:39 pruners the display gets smaller and
08:40 smaller and that's when we need to
08:42 replace it
08:42 okay so we're going to call that good
08:44 for the sharpening of the sharp part and
08:45 i can already feel that's much sharper
08:47 these last forever until you lose them
08:49 so once you buy one as long as you don't
08:50 lose it
08:51 it'll last forever they're not cheap but
08:53 they work really really well simple tool
08:55 that works great this side if you do get
08:57 a burr on this side we generally don't
08:58 end up touching this side up at all
09:00 but let's say we cut a wire out accident
09:02 or a rock or something like that we're
09:03 cutting roots and we cut a rock
09:04 you get a chunk in this side one we can
09:06 replace it or two we can try and fix it
09:08 that's what this side
09:09 of the of the sharpener is for we can
09:10 give this just a gentle little
09:13 you know smoothing out i don't really
09:15 need to do a lot of work on mine because
09:16 this is doing pretty good still
09:18 so you can give it a little a little
09:21 buffing out if it needs it
09:22 i'm not going to do it because i don't
09:23 want to mess it up once again if we wear
09:24 this out we're going to get more of that
09:25 pinching
09:26 then we're going to replace this same
09:29 thing for this side if we have a burr
09:30 on this blade on the cutting blade we
09:33 can come in here with the flat side
09:34 and we can give it a nice little work
09:36 and that will help take out any
09:38 any burrs or things like that and make
09:40 sure that we end up with a nice even
09:41 cutting edge i can see as i'm doing this
09:43 and i'm keeping it nice and flat on the
09:45 blade you can see that
09:46 it's actually shining up that little
09:48 section right there that means i kind of
09:49 had a little
09:50 bend to my blade and so this is actually
09:52 helping kind of smooth that out a little
09:54 bit
09:56 and there we go okay so that's plenty of
09:57 plenty of that there so kind of nice
09:59 wipe the oil off it so it's good to go
10:01 for next time and that's pretty much it
10:03 for sharpening
10:04 okay so at this point give them a wipe
10:06 down the oil is definitely seeped in
10:07 enough by now
10:08 get my wipe down make sure they're all
10:10 pretty
10:11 and that means we're good to go for this
10:13 year so now what i want to do
10:15 so now we should just give them a try ah
10:16 yes see no more that's sticking
10:18 they're bouncing back and forth very
10:20 quickly no problem at all there okay so
10:22 i got a little extra oil there
10:24 that's it so in that case i would say
10:26 these are done
10:27 put them away in our scabbard and
10:29 they're ready to go so uh
10:31 i'm not going to take apart this pair
10:32 because this pair is perfectly fine and
10:33 doesn't need to be taken apart at all
10:35 but this one does so let's talk about
10:37 the components of our clipper
10:41 of our clipper so we have the spring
10:44 here so we have the thumb lock if we
10:45 lose that
10:46 we have those you can you can purchase
10:48 those if you need them if you lose the
10:50 thumb lock
10:50 we also have these springs this is
10:53 probably the most likely thing that's
10:54 going to pop off for you throughout the
10:55 season
10:56 these springs pop off occasionally
10:57 pruners do not work well without the
10:58 spring if you do have
11:00 a pair of pruners without the spring
11:02 they're going to be far more functional
11:03 with a spring and you're going to save
11:04 yourself a lot of effort
11:06 so i always like to have at least one
11:08 extra spring around because when you
11:09 lose this thing in the trash
11:11 it's a really a bummer so we want to do
11:13 that and we're going to and we're going
11:15 to it comes off very simply it just
11:17 sticks on these two little pegs you
11:18 stick one side in
11:20 you kind of pull back on the spring
11:21 stick the other side in make sure it
11:23 seats
11:24 and you're good to go okay so we're
11:25 going to pull that off because we're
11:26 going to take this whole thing apart
11:28 pull it off we'll set it right there so
11:31 this this this funny looking mechanism
11:34 going on here
11:35 this is all just to control the pivot
11:37 point and make sure that we keep
11:38 this bolt on and doesn't fall off
11:40 cheaper pruners you can see here here's
11:42 my corona loppers that are definitely
11:43 cheaper than my felco clippers
11:45 just use a lock bolt or sorry a lock nut
11:47 on a normal bolt
11:49 to maintain that now this this
11:52 nut a lot this lock nut can work its way
11:54 off this bolt over time and you end up
11:56 with more flex in this than you'd like
11:58 so that's we don't really want to have a
12:00 lot of movement there you kind of see
12:01 even on these that they're moving a
12:02 little bit
12:03 so this needs to get tightened so what
12:05 we're going to do is we're going to take
12:06 it apart
12:06 so where's my little wrench where'd it
12:09 go here
12:10 we go okay so this little tool came with
12:13 your
12:13 velcro pruners if you have it it might
12:15 be in your junk drawer it might be lost
12:16 other either way
12:17 i'm going to use this you can also just
12:19 use a flat bladed screwdriver for this
12:20 so
12:20 we're going to loosen this bolt right
12:22 here
12:24 okay just loosen that up pull that out
12:28 this is simply here to lock this other
12:30 bolt in
12:31 this other nut in place this is the lock
12:33 mechanism take that off
12:35 this see how this is too loose this
12:37 should be finger tight so it should just
12:38 come right off
12:40 uh if it's not it's got some edges on
12:42 there so you can use a pair of pliers if
12:44 you need to or
12:44 a box-ended wrench to pull that off this
12:47 is
12:47 simply the fancy washer that sits on
12:50 here
12:52 this just lifts off and here's our
12:54 replacement part so you would pound out
12:56 these little rivets that are in here
12:59 i can't do that here but you'd use an
13:00 awl which is something you used to
13:02 pop out rivets and a hammer pop these
13:04 rivets out this one's being particularly
13:06 challenging you said i had to get a
13:07 grinder in here to get these ones out
13:09 these ones are also not coming out
13:10 nicely but they they will i promise
13:12 and you pop those little guys back in
13:14 and you can see that there's a
13:15 replacement part
13:16 so pretty much everything on this pruner
13:18 is replaceable besides the handles right
13:20 so we have replacement blades
13:22 replacement springs replacement bypass
13:25 sections
13:26 and all the replacement screws so that's
13:29 all replaceable so
13:33 the blade if you want to do a super a
13:36 super job
13:36 on sharpening you can take the blade off
13:38 you can do all this you can pull this
13:40 off you can get your
13:41 sharpening out you can really hone in
13:43 that blade if that's what you want to do
13:44 what i did is probably sufficient but if
13:46 you want to really get it sharp and just
13:48 be
13:48 laser cutting through those those
13:49 branches absolutely
13:51 there's a little bit of grease in here
13:53 in the middle so be careful i just got
13:54 some on my finger there
13:55 you really want to mess that up you can
13:56 put some more grease in there if you
13:58 want probably not necessary your
13:59 lubricant should be sufficient but there
14:01 is some heavier
14:02 grease that comes with the pruners
14:03 that's down there in the middle so
14:05 we've taken it all apart to put it back
14:07 together
14:08 you simply do the opposite of what we
14:10 just did
14:12 you put the put that on there put our
14:15 washer
14:16 back on put our nut
14:19 back on the pivot make sure we get it on
14:21 there straight
14:23 we want it finger tight we do want it
14:25 tight
14:26 and then we want to get our lock
14:28 mechanism on there
14:30 so we get the lock on there we put this
14:32 back on
14:33 this bolt goes in that hole
14:37 and we tighten it down if any of this is
14:38 giving you a hard time it should all be
14:40 pretty
14:40 pretty simple and loose it's giving me a
14:42 hard time give it a squirt down with
14:44 some liquid wrench
14:45 let it sit overnight and try it the next
14:47 day
14:48 if it's getting really stuck you're
14:50 welcome to come to one of our rose care
14:51 classes in january
14:53 and timmy will be there or somebody will
14:55 be there
14:56 if you're lucky enough to get timmy and
14:57 he will do it for you um so
14:59 now we can feel we want to feel this
15:03 we want to it should move nicely and it
15:05 shouldn't catch on anything
15:06 so i actually think that this is okay
15:10 this is a good tightness it might be
15:12 slightly over tightened but it'll
15:13 probably
15:13 be okay for this once we get a little
15:16 bit of lubricant on here i think you
15:17 just need to get a little bit more
15:18 lubricant and this blade's a little
15:20 messed up so
15:21 um so it's probably okay that's it put
15:23 our spring back on
15:25 we want to make sure that when we wiggle
15:26 them like this we push this handle this
15:28 way and this handle this way
15:30 that there's no real wiggle on there
15:31 it's nice and tight otherwise we'll
15:33 pinch
15:33 our branches we put our spring back on
15:37 give it a go with the spring ah yes they
15:40 work very
15:40 very nicely make sure our lock works and
15:43 that's it
15:44 so so that's how to take them apart and
15:46 put them back together that's also how
15:47 to sharpen them
15:48 and make sure that they are ready to go
15:51 for this year
15:52 and now we are all set so if you have
15:55 any questions please comment below i
15:57 really appreciate you watching
15:58 and i look forward to seeing your garden
16:00 this this spring
16:02 have a great day
How to Care for your Tools
Rose Care University
In this video series (8 videos) we will cover how to prune the different types of roses to have the best blooms in Southern California.
00:00 okay welcome to Otto and Sons Rose Care
00:02 University
00:03 today we're going to talk about
00:04 different types of roses the hybrid teas
00:06 flora bunnies and grandifloras a little
00:08 bit of confusion on how they
00:09 they look like and how you would trim
00:11 them right here are some good examples
00:13 of flora bundas
00:14 we have mango veranda we have lavender
00:17 veranda
00:18 over here is chihuly all these see they
00:20 have multiple flowers
00:22 on multiple stems typical we've got this
00:24 this these line right there
00:26 and there there's there's small spindly
00:28 stems not really really strong
00:31 all kinds of flowers and these are flora
00:33 bundas for abundance
00:34 flowering buntifully bountifully over
00:37 here we have some hybrid teas
00:41 here's a typical hybrid tea forever
00:42 yours look at that i'm six foot tall so
00:45 this guy is going up about seven
00:46 forever years single flower single stem
00:49 typical hybrid teas like you get a
00:51 florist
00:51 that's what you're looking for the
00:53 reason it's important to know the
00:54 difference is each one has a different
00:55 style of how you would prune
00:57 now sometimes you don't have a label you
00:59 don't know what it is
01:00 but you can look at the plant you can
01:01 say this one's kind of smallish this
01:03 passionate kiss is kind of smallish has
01:05 lots of flowers you'll prune that like a
01:07 floribunda
01:08 a little hedging a little cleaning out
01:09 and this one a hybrid tea
01:11 big strong stems so you'll prune that
01:13 one like a hybrid tea with more of a
01:14 vase shape
01:15 so those are different kinds of flora
01:17 bundes grandi floors oh granite floors
01:19 and talk about granite floors
01:20 granite floors are much like the hybrid
01:22 tees with big strong sturdy stems
01:24 but they have multiple flowers on one
01:26 stem so you'll see those and you prune
01:28 those just like the hybrid t's
01:29 so that's the different kinds of classes
01:31 that you primarily have in your garden
01:33 so hopefully that helps you thanks for
01:35 watching take care enjoy
1) Hybrid Tea vs. Floribunda vs. Grandiflora
00:00 welcome to Otto and Sons Rose Care
00:02 University, today we're going to talk
00:03 about how to prune hybrid teas and
00:05 grandiflora roses
00:06 it's a beautiful day in southern
00:08 california typical january day where
00:10 it's
00:10 low 70s upper 60s last night was kind of
00:13 chilly last
00:14 few days been very windy typical of our
00:16 weather our plants really never go
00:18 truly dormant in our area so even though
00:20 they have lots of flowers and plenty of
00:21 leaves we're still going to we need to
00:23 force them into dormancy
00:24 by go ahead and pruning them so early
00:26 january is a good time to do this
00:28 today we're going to take this right
00:30 here d-lish and
00:31 the first thing we're going to do is to
00:33 go through and trim them back about 50
00:35 percent
00:36 so timmy if you want to go through and
00:37 just turn it back about 50 percent it
00:39 doesn't matter what variety
00:40 you have far as a hybrid tea or granite
00:42 floor even the the
00:44 the the height you want to cut it fifty
00:46 percent five foot cut it to two and a
00:48 half
00:48 six foot cut it to three three foot cut
00:50 it to 18 inches so
00:52 50 that gets rid of all the brush and
00:54 gets it out of your way
00:56 i see a lot of people go through and
00:57 they just kind of you know trim a little
00:59 here
00:59 trim a little there and it takes a while
01:01 to finally get down to the 50 percent
01:03 so just 50 take it all off all right
01:07 here we go off it comes
01:10 get the branches out of the way
01:16 now along the way timmy's going to go
01:19 through
01:19 and he next thing after you get moving
01:21 50 percent is you're going to take
01:23 and thin it out you're looking for any
01:25 branches that are crossing
01:27 any branches that are dead any branches
01:30 that maybe are diseased
01:32 you want to remove those first we don't
01:33 want those because if the branches are
01:35 crossing
01:35 one of them is going to rub and cause a
01:37 problem so you want to take one of those
01:38 out
01:39 so he's looking for those and taking
01:40 removing those
01:42 all right now a hybrid tea typically is
01:45 a single flower
01:46 on a single stem right that's what the
01:48 hybrid teas will do that granite floors
01:50 are pretty much the same thing
01:51 you have a nice sturdy stem and it has a
01:53 nice flower
01:54 floral bundles will have multiple
01:55 flowers on top with more spindly stems
01:58 we'll we'll cover how to prune those in
02:00 a different video
02:02 so timmy's going through and looking for
02:03 crossing branches cleaning them out
02:05 pulling them out of the way nice to have
02:08 a good sharp pair of pruners
02:11 let's see my sharpener here
02:15 yeah sharpening your pruners is kind of
02:17 important it's good to get a good sharp
02:19 cut
02:20 so you do have these night real nice
02:21 felco pruners filco pruners and falco
02:24 sharpeners
02:25 and just a couple of good swaths in here
02:29 sharpens that up makes for a nice clean
02:32 cut
02:32 you want to have a nice clean cut it
02:34 prevents the tips from edges dying
02:36 and from um disease gets in that
02:40 that cut so nice clean cut which is what
02:41 you want all right
02:43 so we're in here and he's working on
02:46 that
02:47 pair of nice loppers show them your
02:49 loppers here to me nice nice loppers you
02:51 want a nice pair of loppers
02:52 loppers are really handy because number
02:53 one you're further away from those
02:55 thorns those thrones
02:56 can be challenging a nice pair of gloves
02:58 you want to have those
02:59 long sleeves are handy because those
03:00 thorns do like to
03:02 find your your arm
03:06 okay continue under there
03:12 okay see how we see how this is thinning
03:16 out just by looking for crossing
03:17 branches
03:18 it's thinning out the plant within it
03:19 within the area because you always get
03:21 lots of extra growth in there
03:23 and that helps you to
03:27 open it up the reason we want to have it
03:28 open is by having an open plant
03:30 you'll have less disease problems
03:32 disease likes to grow
03:34 in a high humidity environment and so by
03:36 cutting the branches out and opening it
03:38 up
03:38 it's going to allow less humidity within
03:40 the branch
03:41 within the plant and that will allow now
03:44 you have less diseases it won't stop
03:46 diseases but it's a matter of
03:47 having them at more of a level that you
03:50 can control
03:51 a level that you can put up with
03:54 all right so there he is in there
04:02 clean those out
04:20 looking good there timmy nice and
04:22 spacious
04:23 once he's finished with putting it out
04:25 and cleaning it all up
04:27 he's going to go through and look for
04:28 butt eyes and butt eyes you'll see
04:31 on a stem let me take this off here and
04:32 i'll show you what i'm talking about
04:34 here
04:36 step over this way while timmy's over
04:38 there
04:40 every place there's a leaf there's a bud
04:43 and that bud is where a new stem will
04:44 grow
04:45 you may have heard the uh that you're
04:47 supposed to count down to five leaves
04:48 one two three four
04:50 five at least go to that point and
04:51 that's where if you cut that for
04:53 bringing the flour into your home for a
04:55 bouquet
04:57 so you want to cut down to a nice large
04:58 stem there and then the uh
05:01 the butt eyes are right above the leaf
05:03 here so right there you can kind of see
05:06 right there is a little bud eye over on
05:08 this side you pull a leaf down
05:10 a little butt eye right there that
05:11 little bump right there that's the butt
05:12 eye that's where a new branch will then
05:14 grow
05:15 all right the reason we want to do that
05:17 is that if we trim this variety
05:19 like this a new branch will grow that
05:22 direction
05:22 we trim it like this a new branch will
05:24 go that direction
05:26 here's the butter butter right here we
05:28 trim it this way
05:29 it's going to go that way trim it this
05:31 way going to go that way
05:32 so you can decide by knowing that you
05:35 can decide which way the new branch is
05:37 going to grow
05:38 by where you put where you direct the
05:40 new growth and we want to have the
05:41 growth to be
05:44 you want to have create a vase shape a
05:47 vase shape
05:48 so that all the branches are on the
05:50 outside and the middle is empty
05:52 allowing that good air circulation so
05:53 you're looking for a vase shape
05:55 and that will allow it to grow and by
05:57 cutting this to
05:58 certain places cutting it here so that
06:00 new branch will go to the outside of the
06:02 plant
06:02 outside the plant that's what you want
06:04 to do so you create that v shape with a
06:05 new growth
06:06 head to the outside when you make that
06:08 cut you want to make it
06:09 about a 45 degree angle and just above
06:12 that bud about about a quarter inch or
06:14 so so just above the bud
06:16 and there's the bud right there you come
06:19 in about a 40 degree angle
06:20 and there cuts it right off nice clean
06:22 cut nice clean pruners
06:24 and allow it to grow and it'll direct
06:26 direct the growth to where you want
06:28 it to go okay so how's timmy doing down
06:30 here
06:31 got it nice and open if there's any
06:33 small spindly branches you want to
06:35 remove those so they
06:37 so the energy goes the larger branches
06:38 the larger branches will produce larger
06:40 flowers
06:43 each plant should take about five
06:45 minutes or so to do don't spend 10
06:47 minutes 20 minutes on it
06:48 way too much time just about five
06:50 minutes per plant try and get it done by
06:52 that
06:53 and now timmy's looking for butt eyes
06:55 trimming just above the butt eye
06:58 once you finish uh trimming above the
07:00 butt eyes you're ready to do a dormant
07:01 spray
07:02 a dormant spray should be done using uh
07:04 copper or copper
07:06 and oil the product we have is a
07:07 monterey garden horticultural oil
07:10 and in the monterey copper
07:14 and that will uh what the copper does is
07:16 it helps control diseases
07:18 and what the the oil does it helps to
07:20 control
07:21 insects and insect eggs both of them
07:23 both of them applied
07:25 within a day or so of the whole thing
07:28 okay we're going to do a whole other
07:31 video on the dormant spray so i'm just
07:32 going to cover that just lightly
07:33 once you've done your dormant spray go
07:35 through and do mulching
07:36 mulch the entire ground two to three
07:38 inches of mulch around the entire plant
07:40 uh and to oh and don't
07:44 i wouldn't recommend fertilizing until
07:45 mid february don't do fertilizer now you
07:48 don't want you want them to actually go
07:49 dormant
07:49 let them stay stay dormant until they
07:52 they're ready to
07:52 starts to warm up in february and you
07:54 can
07:56 you can fertilize at that point usually
07:58 about valentine's day is always a good
07:59 time
08:00 all right how's our plant look look at
08:01 that got these nice butter
08:03 butters coming to the outside got a nice
08:05 middle vase shape
08:06 delicious ready to sprout and bring some
08:08 beautiful flowers thanks for watching
08:10 have a great day and enjoy your garden
2) Hybrid Tea Winter Pruning
00:00 welcome to Otto and Sons Rose Care
00:02 University, today we're going to talk
00:03 about how to prune hybrid teas and
00:05 grandiflora roses
00:06 it's a beautiful day in southern
00:08 california typical january day where
00:10 it's
00:10 low 70s upper 60s last night was kind of
00:13 chilly last
00:14 few days been very windy typical of our
00:16 weather our plants really never go
00:18 truly dormant in our area so even though
00:20 they have lots of flowers and plenty of
00:21 leaves we're still going to we need to
00:23 force them into dormancy
00:24 by go ahead and pruning them so early
00:26 january is a good time to do this
00:28 today we're going to take this right
00:30 here d-lish and
00:31 the first thing we're going to do is to
00:33 go through and trim them back about 50
00:35 percent
00:36 so timmy if you want to go through and
00:37 just turn it back about 50 percent it
00:39 doesn't matter what variety
00:40 you have far as a hybrid tea or granite
00:42 floor even the the
00:44 the the height you want to cut it fifty
00:46 percent five foot cut it to two and a
00:48 half
00:48 six foot cut it to three three foot cut
00:50 it to 18 inches so
00:52 50 that gets rid of all the brush and
00:54 gets it out of your way
00:56 i see a lot of people go through and
00:57 they just kind of you know trim a little
00:59 here
00:59 trim a little there and it takes a while
01:01 to finally get down to the 50 percent
01:03 so just 50 take it all off all right
01:07 here we go off it comes
01:10 get the branches out of the way
01:16 now along the way timmy's going to go
01:19 through
01:19 and he next thing after you get moving
01:21 50 percent is you're going to take
01:23 and thin it out you're looking for any
01:25 branches that are crossing
01:27 any branches that are dead any branches
01:30 that maybe are diseased
01:32 you want to remove those first we don't
01:33 want those because if the branches are
01:35 crossing
01:35 one of them is going to rub and cause a
01:37 problem so you want to take one of those
01:38 out
01:39 so he's looking for those and taking
01:40 removing those
01:42 all right now a hybrid tea typically is
01:45 a single flower
01:46 on a single stem right that's what the
01:48 hybrid teas will do that granite floors
01:50 are pretty much the same thing
01:51 you have a nice sturdy stem and it has a
01:53 nice flower
01:54 floral bundles will have multiple
01:55 flowers on top with more spindly stems
01:58 we'll we'll cover how to prune those in
02:00 a different video
02:02 so timmy's going through and looking for
02:03 crossing branches cleaning them out
02:05 pulling them out of the way nice to have
02:08 a good sharp pair of pruners
02:11 let's see my sharpener here
02:15 yeah sharpening your pruners is kind of
02:17 important it's good to get a good sharp
02:19 cut
02:20 so you do have these night real nice
02:21 felco pruners filco pruners and falco
02:24 sharpeners
02:25 and just a couple of good swaths in here
02:29 sharpens that up makes for a nice clean
02:32 cut
02:32 you want to have a nice clean cut it
02:34 prevents the tips from edges dying
02:36 and from um disease gets in that
02:40 that cut so nice clean cut which is what
02:41 you want all right
02:43 so we're in here and he's working on
02:46 that
02:47 pair of nice loppers show them your
02:49 loppers here to me nice nice loppers you
02:51 want a nice pair of loppers
02:52 loppers are really handy because number
02:53 one you're further away from those
02:55 thorns those thrones
02:56 can be challenging a nice pair of gloves
02:58 you want to have those
02:59 long sleeves are handy because those
03:00 thorns do like to
03:02 find your your arm
03:06 okay continue under there
03:12 okay see how we see how this is thinning
03:16 out just by looking for crossing
03:17 branches
03:18 it's thinning out the plant within it
03:19 within the area because you always get
03:21 lots of extra growth in there
03:23 and that helps you to
03:27 open it up the reason we want to have it
03:28 open is by having an open plant
03:30 you'll have less disease problems
03:32 disease likes to grow
03:34 in a high humidity environment and so by
03:36 cutting the branches out and opening it
03:38 up
03:38 it's going to allow less humidity within
03:40 the branch
03:41 within the plant and that will allow now
03:44 you have less diseases it won't stop
03:46 diseases but it's a matter of
03:47 having them at more of a level that you
03:50 can control
03:51 a level that you can put up with
03:54 all right so there he is in there
04:02 clean those out
04:20 looking good there timmy nice and
04:22 spacious
04:23 once he's finished with putting it out
04:25 and cleaning it all up
04:27 he's going to go through and look for
04:28 butt eyes and butt eyes you'll see
04:31 on a stem let me take this off here and
04:32 i'll show you what i'm talking about
04:34 here
04:36 step over this way while timmy's over
04:38 there
04:40 every place there's a leaf there's a bud
04:43 and that bud is where a new stem will
04:44 grow
04:45 you may have heard the uh that you're
04:47 supposed to count down to five leaves
04:48 one two three four
04:50 five at least go to that point and
04:51 that's where if you cut that for
04:53 bringing the flour into your home for a
04:55 bouquet
04:57 so you want to cut down to a nice large
04:58 stem there and then the uh
05:01 the butt eyes are right above the leaf
05:03 here so right there you can kind of see
05:06 right there is a little bud eye over on
05:08 this side you pull a leaf down
05:10 a little butt eye right there that
05:11 little bump right there that's the butt
05:12 eye that's where a new branch will then
05:14 grow
05:15 all right the reason we want to do that
05:17 is that if we trim this variety
05:19 like this a new branch will grow that
05:22 direction
05:22 we trim it like this a new branch will
05:24 go that direction
05:26 here's the butter butter right here we
05:28 trim it this way
05:29 it's going to go that way trim it this
05:31 way going to go that way
05:32 so you can decide by knowing that you
05:35 can decide which way the new branch is
05:37 going to grow
05:38 by where you put where you direct the
05:40 new growth and we want to have the
05:41 growth to be
05:44 you want to have create a vase shape a
05:47 vase shape
05:48 so that all the branches are on the
05:50 outside and the middle is empty
05:52 allowing that good air circulation so
05:53 you're looking for a vase shape
05:55 and that will allow it to grow and by
05:57 cutting this to
05:58 certain places cutting it here so that
06:00 new branch will go to the outside of the
06:02 plant
06:02 outside the plant that's what you want
06:04 to do so you create that v shape with a
06:05 new growth
06:06 head to the outside when you make that
06:08 cut you want to make it
06:09 about a 45 degree angle and just above
06:12 that bud about about a quarter inch or
06:14 so so just above the bud
06:16 and there's the bud right there you come
06:19 in about a 40 degree angle
06:20 and there cuts it right off nice clean
06:22 cut nice clean pruners
06:24 and allow it to grow and it'll direct
06:26 direct the growth to where you want
06:28 it to go okay so how's timmy doing down
06:30 here
06:31 got it nice and open if there's any
06:33 small spindly branches you want to
06:35 remove those so they
06:37 so the energy goes the larger branches
06:38 the larger branches will produce larger
06:40 flowers
06:43 each plant should take about five
06:45 minutes or so to do don't spend 10
06:47 minutes 20 minutes on it
06:48 way too much time just about five
06:50 minutes per plant try and get it done by
06:52 that
06:53 and now timmy's looking for butt eyes
06:55 trimming just above the butt eye
06:58 once you finish uh trimming above the
07:00 butt eyes you're ready to do a dormant
07:01 spray
07:02 a dormant spray should be done using uh
07:04 copper or copper
07:06 and oil the product we have is a
07:07 monterey garden horticultural oil
07:10 and in the monterey copper
07:14 and that will uh what the copper does is
07:16 it helps control diseases
07:18 and what the the oil does it helps to
07:20 control
07:21 insects and insect eggs both of them
07:23 both of them applied
07:25 within a day or so of the whole thing
07:28 okay we're going to do a whole other
07:31 video on the dormant spray so i'm just
07:32 going to cover that just lightly
07:33 once you've done your dormant spray go
07:35 through and do mulching
07:36 mulch the entire ground two to three
07:38 inches of mulch around the entire plant
07:40 uh and to oh and don't
07:44 i wouldn't recommend fertilizing until
07:45 mid february don't do fertilizer now you
07:48 don't want you want them to actually go
07:49 dormant
07:49 let them stay stay dormant until they
07:52 they're ready to
07:52 starts to warm up in february and you
07:54 can
07:56 you can fertilize at that point usually
07:58 about valentine's day is always a good
07:59 time
08:00 all right how's our plant look look at
08:01 that got these nice butter
08:03 butters coming to the outside got a nice
08:05 middle vase shape
08:06 delicious ready to sprout and bring some
08:08 beautiful flowers thanks for watching
08:10 have a great day and enjoy your garden
3) Floribunda Rose Winter Pruning
00:01 hi welcome to Otto and Sons Rose Care
00:03 University today we're going to talk
00:05 about
00:06 pruning your roses and we're going to
00:07 cover english roses i know a lot of
00:09 interest in the english roses
00:10 the english roses are put in a calorie
00:12 called a shrub category
00:13 and being there in a the shrub category
00:17 you'll find a lot of them are have
00:19 different category different
00:20 characteristics
00:21 of hybrid tea type pruning and
00:24 floribunda type pruning
00:26 so you're gonna have to look at each
00:27 plant decide which way you want to prune
00:29 it which way you want to go
00:30 so in this case this is carting mill
00:32 carting mill is a great english rose we
00:34 love it it's nice apricot great
00:36 fragrance
00:37 but you'll see a lot of flowers and a
00:39 lot of smaller stems
00:40 so we'll prune this more like a flora
00:42 bunda we're just kind of
00:44 making a ball and thinning it out and
00:46 making and making space within the
00:48 canopy of the plant
00:49 let me show you over here the princess
00:50 alexandra kent it's more like a hybrid
00:56 tea
00:58 so here's princess alexandra of kent
01:00 huge flower look at that bigger than my
01:02 head with that about five inches across
01:03 nice little bee
01:04 hit another larger stem single stem
01:06 single flower
01:07 these you would trim more like a hybrid
01:09 tee where you're trying to create a
01:10 vase shape and you're going to have the
01:12 spacing within it a canopy in this a
01:14 space within the canopy
01:16 and the branches are on the outside so
01:18 that's how these will get pruned i'll
01:19 show you a sample a little bit
01:20 but those are the two pretty much styles
01:22 we'll be looking at uh and we'll show
01:23 you a few more plants along the way
01:26 so these carting mills are more like a
01:28 flora bunda so we're going to trim these
01:30 about 50 percent you come in and trim
01:33 this one's about four feet tall so we're
01:35 gonna come through and cut it about two
01:36 feet low
01:37 and come through and just trim it take
01:38 all that brush away so we can see what
01:39 we need to work on
01:41 at home you do it by hand but here we
01:42 use a power shear it makes it much
01:44 quicker
01:52 timmy
02:06 oh
02:14 [Music]
02:25 [Music]
02:34 right
02:36 [Music]
02:50 so timmy's finished hedging all of this
02:51 uh carting mill
02:53 and a few branches were left on here
02:56 need to get removed and cleaned up
02:59 the sharp edges should get cleaned off
03:01 but if you wanted to
03:03 stop right here you could we've done
03:04 this before in the springtime we've had
03:06 events and stuff we'll do this about six
03:07 or eight weeks ahead of our event
03:09 and we'll go through and trent and just
03:10 stop right at this point and
03:12 they'll come back in six to eight weeks
03:13 in full bloom again just in time for our
03:15 event
03:16 we're going to show you in a moment just
03:17 how to go through in the winter time i
03:19 like to do a little bit harder pruning
03:21 where you thin it out and clean it up
03:22 and get it ready to go
03:24 for uh for its dormant period
03:27 all right so timmy has now cleaned these
03:29 plants out they've he's thinned them out
03:31 there's a lot of air circulation within
03:32 it
03:32 removed any crossing branches any dead
03:34 branches um
03:35 the leaves can be left behind we'll the
03:37 dormant spray will do a little bit later
03:38 that's going to help drop those off you
03:40 can remove them certainly if you want to
03:41 um and then clean up the the leaves
03:43 behind and the edges the
03:45 the shredded edges from the from the
03:47 pruner have been been removed so nice
03:49 clean cuts
03:49 on this plant we'll go through and do a
03:51 dormant spray when we're finished but i
03:52 want to show you some other plants first
03:55 so this is our princess alexandra of
03:57 kent it grows more like a hybrid tea
03:59 and timmy's going to go through and
04:00 clean this up and we're going to trim it
04:02 more like a
04:02 vase shape so we're trying to do a v
04:04 shape to keep the middles empty
04:06 and the outsides where the stems are and
04:08 then on those stems he's going to
04:09 direct those buds when he's finished to
04:11 the outside of the plant always keeping
04:13 that growth to the outside
04:14 to create better air circulation so i'm
04:16 gonna go through and
04:17 clean these up a little more got some
04:20 more over here you can do
04:21 more there this little spindly guys can
04:24 come out
04:27 here we go
04:31 these are these here were planted last
04:34 spring
04:35 so this is uh january so it's only been
04:36 about nine months of growth
04:39 okay there's a long branch heading over
04:40 that way jimmy trim that one back
04:42 or take it out whatever you think okay
04:45 take it out
04:47 i think it's good to leave an odd set of
04:50 branches
04:51 three fives and sevens are always more
04:53 attractive just to the eye
04:54 not the plant cares he's looking for
04:56 buds now to trim those to the outside
04:58 bud
04:59 turn that one branch away so you can see
05:00 what's going on okay so not a whole lot
05:02 here he's got one two three four
05:03 branches five with that one over there
05:06 a little stub taken off there so you go
05:08 kind of a small plant but it's this
05:09 first year
05:11 we'll do more with it next year so
05:12 that's princess alexander i can't trim
05:14 more like a hybrid tee
05:19 so this bed here is boscobel so it's a
05:22 kind of a hybrid tea flora bunda a bit
05:24 of a mix
05:24 the small stems big flowers this one
05:27 here i've kind of trimmed as a hybrid
05:28 tea with the middle open
05:29 i've got the the center open here i've
05:31 got one two three
05:32 five six seven canes coming up about 18
05:36 inches tall
05:37 overall and it's ready to go um branches
05:40 are cut so the buds
05:41 are going to the outside and that's our
05:43 basketball oh there's a little bit of
05:44 right there trim that off
05:46 i need loppers for that okay so that's
05:48 the box we do it
05:50 at our place okay here we are in the
05:52 garden and we have uh
05:53 these have already been finished i want
05:55 to show you what what the finished
05:56 product looks like here's ladies shalott
05:58 in english
05:58 tranquility english so you got nice
06:00 stems nice differentiation and space
06:02 within each branch
06:03 to create that air circulation over here
06:06 we have a
06:07 carefree wonder not an english it's a
06:08 shrub variety
06:10 and then back over here along here
06:12 imogene you see imogene
06:14 kind of thinned out nice thin out we
06:16 left the leaves on there those will drop
06:18 eventually hansa back there we prune
06:20 that back
06:21 it has no leaves come back over here we
06:24 have a
06:26 gentle hermione trim it's more like a
06:27 flora bunda see it's kind of just a
06:29 round ball
06:30 it's been trimmed that way thomas
06:33 beckett another english just those
06:34 little stems on there
06:35 that's how we finished ours we'll come
06:37 through and do a mulching a little more
06:39 mulching on here for the year
06:40 and then we'll do our dormant spray and
06:43 thanks for watching this is a great time
06:45 to come out and garden
4) English Rose Winter Pruning
00:00 a lot of ground cover roses are really
00:01 easy to take care of and that
00:03 you don't really need to watch which way
00:04 you do they can be they can actually
00:06 literally
00:07 be mowed down with a lawnmower you know
00:09 if you want i don't recommend that
00:11 but because their own roots they'll come
00:12 back from the soil and you can go
00:14 through and just trim those off about
00:15 six inches
00:16 off the ground just go through and trim
00:17 them all off clean any brush off you see
00:19 any dead branches take those out of
00:20 course
00:21 uh and then and you're done and you're
00:23 done with the ground cover
00:25 really simple really easy and they'll
00:27 come back in spring looking great
00:30 now these popcorn drift here are really
00:33 nice and see they've already trimmed
00:34 them
00:34 they've spaced them out just kind of
00:36 taking off about six to eight inches
00:37 tall
00:38 and that's all you need to do to the
00:39 ground cover rows is just kind of
00:41 hedge them just kind of take off the
00:42 tops and clean them up a little bit
00:44 you're all set to go
00:45 ground covers are really handy to have
00:47 flour profusely
00:48 and they fill that low spot
5) Groundcover Rose Winter Pruning
00:00 welcome to Otto and Sons Rose Care
00:02 University today i'm going to talk about
00:04 how to prune
00:05 tree roses tree roses are unique in that
00:08 it's
00:08 a bush that's been raised off the ground
00:11 and
00:12 this one in ticker is iceberg iceberg
00:14 rose iceberg is our number
00:15 our number one selling rose it's the
00:17 most popular rose in california iceberg
00:19 because it blooms all the time
00:21 tree roses are grafted up high this is
00:23 36 inches it was grafted here
00:25 you can also buy tree roses that are
00:27 grafted 24 inches high and some at 18
00:29 inches high
00:30 just because you buy an 18 inch high one
00:32 does not mean it's going to grow
00:33 to 36 or 48 inches it's going to stay
00:35 grafted at that point
00:37 the plant will get larger in diameter
00:39 the ball will stay at the same height
00:40 it'll always be this height at three
00:42 feet off the ground
00:44 and being grafted this way a flora bunda
00:48 we're going to take and trim this and
00:49 just thin this out we're going to to
00:51 make it essentially into a ball
00:52 and then thin the branches out removing
00:54 any dead diseased dying branches
00:56 any crossing branches and open it up all
00:59 right that's what we're going to do now
01:01 so come help me timmy we'll turn this
01:02 back
01:05 so we're trimming this back about 50
01:06 percent of the height
01:08 it was about this tall before so we've
01:09 gone through and trimmed about 50
01:11 back it's our typical uh method of doing
01:14 it
01:14 and then we can go through and see where
01:15 the branches are and do our do our more
01:18 meticulous pruning at that point
01:22 so we're going through and trimming any
01:23 branches that cross the middle we're
01:25 going to take them out
01:26 just to kind of thin them out move any
01:28 crossing branches
01:29 cleaning them up and help them take
01:33 those there you go that's a nice one
01:34 there
01:35 you go take those out
01:42 again we're trying to create air
01:44 circulation within the canopy of the
01:45 plant
01:46 and that will reduce our disease
01:48 challenges
01:52 okay this guy's sticking up a little
01:54 high old
01:55 rose hip on there okay
02:00 okay again it should only take about
02:02 five minutes per plant that's all we
02:03 should need to do
02:06 okay sometimes little dead stubs you
02:07 want to take those off
02:09 that might have been from previous
02:10 cutting and
02:13 cut these rose hips off over there
02:19 what do you think timmy it looks pretty
02:20 good pretty good there
02:22 all right nice clean cuts all around
02:24 nice ball
02:26 nice uh um symmetry of the plant
02:29 so we're all done with this one that's
02:30 hybrid that's doing a flora bunda type
02:33 pruning
02:33 on a tree rose you do the same thing if
02:36 the tree rose was it 24 inch or
02:37 18 or this 36 and that's how you do tree
02:41 roses
02:41 really simple it's even easier to do
02:43 because you can stand up you have to be
02:44 on your knees the whole time
02:45 so it's a convenient thing so then we'll
02:48 go through and do our dormant spray
02:50 which we talked about in the other video
02:51 and uh of course we'll mulch everything
02:53 and don't fertilize until mid-february
02:55 and uh that's your your dormant pruning
02:58 that you would be doing in your
02:59 january to get your roses your tree
03:01 roses are ready for that big spring push
03:03 and those bouquets of flowers you love
03:04 to see in your garden thanks for
03:05 watching and take care enjoy your garden
6) Tree Rose Winter Pruning
00:00 finished with all your pruning you want
00:01 to go through and do a dormant spray
00:03 this is only done in january when it's
00:04 cool weather
00:05 you've done all your pruning so all your
00:06 rows are down to just bears sticks and
00:09 stems
00:09 you clean up all your stuff you've put
00:11 done you put your mulch out two to four
00:13 inches on the ground so you get a nice
00:15 thick layer of mulch then you can go
00:16 through and do your dormant spray
00:17 we recommend the monterey horticultural
00:19 oil in the monterey liquid cop
00:22 the horticultural oil what it does is
00:24 suffocates insects and any insect eggs
00:26 that might be harbored
00:27 in the little cracks and crevices of the
00:29 stems the same thing for the liquid cop
00:31 it controls any diseases disease spores
00:35 thank you case what we like to use i
00:38 recommend is the hudson sprayer
00:40 i really like this because it really
00:41 does make spraying much easier and the
00:43 nice thing about
00:44 it is you take this and oftentimes you
00:47 can just screw this right on to there so
00:49 it's 100 concentrate
00:50 read the label on the back it'll tell
00:52 you how much to use it per teaspoon
00:54 you dial this little dial with this
00:56 little button right here to the correct
00:58 t right number one through ten how many
00:59 teaspoons per gallon
01:01 so you put that on there you go and
01:03 spray everything
01:04 take it off rinse it off read the
01:07 directions for this one it tells you
01:08 how much to put tablespoons per gallon
01:10 adjust adjustment again
01:12 put it on there go and spray you haven't
01:15 diluted the concentrates you're not
01:16 wasting the product
01:17 when you're all done rinse this off on
01:19 your lawn or a planter
01:20 and it's all ready to go for the next
01:22 time so really nice product
01:24 you're not wasting product you're using
01:25 uh
01:27 using the product the way it should be
01:28 and you want to cover the entire plant
01:30 you can do one one product right after
01:32 the other you can do the oil first and
01:34 then the
01:35 copper or vice verse doesn't matter but
01:38 just the same day
01:39 i'd like to see it done at least twice
01:42 about a week apart
01:43 so finish or finish putting your roses
01:45 maybe the next weekend go through and do
01:46 a derman spray
01:47 in the following week and do another
01:49 derman spray twice two times a row so
01:52 any other questions check any questions
01:55 let us know
01:56 and uh on the comments there we'll get
01:58 back to you thanks so much
7) Winter Dormant Sprays for Roses
00:01 so these are the plants we've finished
00:02 and we've
00:03 got we've gone through and did all of
00:04 our trimming uh we need to do some
00:06 mulching still and we'll go through a
00:07 dormant spray
00:08 and then these plants will be ready to
00:10 just jump out with flowers come spring
00:12 when the warm weather comes in
00:13 again don't fertilize until mid-february
00:16 give it to plants to settle in
00:17 and that's dormant pruning five minutes
00:20 of plant and you're done be nice and
00:22 quick
00:22 get rid of your brush and these plants
00:25 are going to be spectacular come spring
00:26 thanks for watching and check our other
00:28 videos out and
00:30 have a great day and enjoy your garden
8) All Done
Fruit Trees
Information on planning and caring for your backyard orchard.
00:00 hi I'm Danny with Otto and Sons Nursery
00:01 welcome to my backyard ultra portrait
00:03 that we planted this year I wanted to do
00:05 a quick video on how to prune
00:08 out-of-print decisions fruit trees this
00:10 is an interesting tree it's a miniature
00:12 deeper country a fixie cot there's some
00:15 really nice examples here of kind of
00:17 things that we want to take out the
00:18 first thing I look for we're gonna take
00:19 out Deadwood so this whole branch is
00:21 dead so we're going to take this off we
00:26 also have when spring camera over here
00:27 we also have some burnt wood from the
00:30 heat last year so you can see how this
00:31 is all burnt we have some nice alive
00:33 stuff up here but because of this damage
00:35 here this branch is never gonna be as
00:37 strong as it needs to be so we're gonna
00:38 take that off below the damaged chop
00:40 that right off we're also going to look
00:42 for crossing crossing wood and this one
00:49 branch here that's and this miniature
01:08 we're not too concerned with it getting
01:09 too big so we're just gonna leave it
01:11 there that's it for first year pruning
01:17 thanks for joining me
Winter Structure Pruning
00:00 hi I'm Danny with Otto & Sons Nursery
00:03 welcome to my backyard orchard planted
00:05 this about six seven months ago let it
00:08 establish a little bit we're ready for
00:09 our first pruning for the year for our
00:12 winter deciduous fruit tree pruning so I
00:14 wanted to kind of walk through this is a
00:16 blend hime apricot and great great
00:19 fruiting grapefruit apricot but when
00:22 when you planted it grew out we have
00:24 some cleanup to do on the structure and
00:26 make a little bit more open canopy going
00:31 in to next year's production so
00:35 basically what we're gonna do is we're
00:36 gonna try and clean up the middle a
00:38 little bit we have a central central
00:40 leader here that it's no longer
00:41 necessary since we have this nice we
00:44 have these nice low branching so we're
00:45 gonna we're gonna pull out this central
00:47 leader and then we're gonna go through
00:48 and look for Deadwood and as well as
00:50 crossing wood that we don't want to
00:52 develop into in sub into mature Crossing
00:56 wood that'll cause rubbing and possible
00:57 disease issues down down the way so
00:59 we'll start by pulling out the central
01:01 leader so we have this central leader
01:02 coming up we have a nice a nice lateral
01:05 branch here that's filling in a nice
01:06 area that isn't otherwise full so we're
01:08 gonna cut right above that to open up
01:12 the middle and then we're gonna go
01:16 through and I'm gonna look for Deadwood
01:17 as well as crossing woods so here we
01:20 have a situation we have a nice strong
01:21 branch coming out from the main trunk
01:23 and we have this secondary branch that's
01:25 really filling the same area and
01:27 crossing with the other one so I'm gonna
01:29 go through ahead and take this one out
01:30 at the other branch I'm also gonna so
01:34 I'll continue around the tree here's one
01:36 that's kind of a weaker branch coming
01:37 off the trunk that's crossing into an
01:38 area with a whole lot of other Street
01:40 other branches on this tree so take that
01:42 off I'm gonna clean this little guy up
01:45 here that's going up this branch comes
01:47 off of off of a branch I'd like to keep
01:49 for now but it goes straight up into the
01:52 canopy so I'm gonna take it off as well
01:56 I'm also gonna prune the end of this one
01:58 while I'm here encouraging growth back
02:00 towards the towards the walkway and not
02:02 towards the tree next to us of the tree
02:04 next to it won't get shaded out so I'm
02:06 gonna stop this branches growth and
02:08 shoot it back kind of towards the camera
02:10 over there this branch is okay for now
02:13 come through here just looking for
02:15 crossing branches and and other branches
02:17 that are gonna be in the way he got
02:22 broken at some point is actually going
02:24 straight back into the center center of
02:26 the tree we don't want that it's gonna
02:28 come on
02:29 I also have two large branches here
02:32 they're crossing this one because it is
02:37 part of a branch that's really gonna
02:39 fill the upper section that direction
02:42 from the tree whereas this branch is
02:44 really gonna fill in this area over here
02:46 as it develops um take that off I'm
02:50 pruning these right above the collar on
02:52 the branch it's really the best and one
02:54 should get a little closer here at the
02:56 camera at the candy and are putting it
02:58 right above the collar and what that's
02:59 gonna do is this is gonna dry down and
03:02 then this collar is gonna be able to to
03:04 to heal over this wound and we're gonna
03:07 have limited damage on this branch going
03:09 forward this is really where we want to
03:10 prune is really close into that collar
03:12 we don't want to get too we don't want
03:13 to cut the collar off but we do want to
03:15 prune right up to it okay so something
03:18 something good to mention and then so
03:21 I've gotten rid of my my dead branches
03:23 my broken branches as well as back these
03:29 branches so that as they bloom and set
03:32 fruit this next year I don't set fruit
03:34 on very soft wood that's gonna pull this
03:36 tree down and eventually break this
03:38 branch as the fruit as the precise the
03:41 end of the year so I'm gonna come
03:43 through here not really looking for
03:45 anything just gonna tip them back so
03:48 that I have a nice strong fruiting wood
03:52 going into next year some people get a
03:55 little more aggressive on this part this
03:58 is a new orchard and I think my wife
04:00 would like some fruit for this first
04:01 year so I'm gonna leave some fruiting
04:03 wood on here and some blooming woods so
04:06 that I don't so that I do have something
04:08 too something to bring into the house
04:09 this after this year
04:15 once again just trying to get nice
04:18 strong branches so I'm gonna leave it
04:22 here for now there's some other branches
04:30 in here we come back and make decisions
04:31 on next year on which one we want to
04:33 keep going into the future which one's
04:34 looking healthier which one got a better
04:36 setup for the next year I'm thinking
04:38 down here we kind of have three branches
04:39 building the same area I'm looking for
04:45 to eat some delicious apricots coming
04:47 into next year so thank you for watching
04:50 we look forward to seeing how your how
04:53 your fruit comes out this year as well
04:55 thank you
00:01 good morning this is Danny with Otto and
00:05 Sons Nursery wanted to follow up on some
00:07 of our pruning videos it's spring bloom
00:09 is happening on some of there's the Rose
00:12 is going crazy we've got a nectarine
00:15 over here that's blooming really nicely
00:16 but some of the earlier varieties like
00:19 this is Eva's pride has already set
00:23 fruit and it's already starting to size
00:24 out nicely one thing you got to do
00:26 though when we start seeing when we have
00:28 when the blooms all gone and we start
00:30 seeing small fruit something that's
00:32 really important to come through
00:33 especially on smaller trees where you're
00:35 looking for getting nice sized fruit
00:38 they have a tendency to over set and you
00:40 get way too many fruit set on the trees
00:42 you can see there's you know there's a
00:43 couple dozen fruit they're a tree this
00:45 size should really not have that many
00:47 fruit on it it's gonna you end up with a
00:49 bunch of very small peaches so what you
00:52 need to do is go through and kind of
00:53 thin them out pull out some of the ones
00:54 especially towards the end you want to
00:56 knock those off and keep a couple of the
00:59 fruit door down towards the bottom the
01:00 reason for that is if you keep the ones
01:01 on the end as they grow this branch will
01:04 Bend and eventually break and you won't
01:06 have any peaches at all so if you come
01:08 through and thin it so that they're they
01:10 each have a little bit of space you can
01:11 see me only leave three on this branch
01:12 down low
01:13 those have plenty of space to grow and
01:15 expand you know and just kind of go
01:17 through and this is a little tiny branch
01:19 that's got six or seven I just kind of
01:21 pop a couple off you know it's feel kind
01:24 of painful but in the end it's really
01:26 worth it and then you end up with nice
01:28 sized peaches that will have good sugar
01:30 content and be a good size for your
01:35 spring snacking that's it little video
01:38 on thinning thank you
Fruit Tree Thining
00:00 hi I'm Danny with Otto and Sons Nursery
00:01 welcome to my backyard ultra portrait
00:03 that we planted this year I wanted to do
00:05 a quick video on how to prune
00:08 out-of-print decisions fruit trees this
00:10 is an interesting tree it's a miniature
00:12 deeper country a fixie cot there's some
00:15 really nice examples here of kind of
00:17 things that we want to take out the
00:18 first thing I look for we're gonna take
00:19 out Deadwood so this whole branch is
00:21 dead so we're going to take this off we
00:26 also have when spring camera over here
00:27 we also have some burnt wood from the
00:30 heat last year so you can see how this
00:31 is all burnt we have some nice alive
00:33 stuff up here but because of this damage
00:35 here this branch is never gonna be as
00:37 strong as it needs to be so we're gonna
00:38 take that off below the damaged chop
00:40 that right off we're also going to look
00:42 for crossing crossing wood and this one
00:49 branch here that's and this miniature
01:08 we're not too concerned with it getting
01:09 too big so we're just gonna leave it
01:11 there that's it for first year pruning
01:17 thanks for joining me
Summer Pruning
00:00 sorry hi I'm Danny with Otto and Sons
00:04 Nursery welcome to our backyard orchard
00:06 I want to talk a little bit today about
00:08 summer pruning this is a nectarine tree
00:11 to see you with your free first to a
00:12 sidewalk coming are you gonna come help
00:14 come here
00:15 so what we're gonna do is the goal of
00:18 summer pruning is to control size we
00:20 have our clippers and our loppers this
00:22 is pretty small tree so it'll probably
00:23 get away with just clippers so we just
00:26 want to bring the height down and
00:28 control late-summer bigger so we're just
00:30 kind of indiscriminately going to cut
00:32 some of these longer branches and just
00:35 bring the height down a little happen is
00:42 if we leave all these to grow our fruits
00:45 gonna sit way up here in the next spring
00:48 and we're gonna have to get the ladder
00:49 out to pick in I don't really want to do
00:51 that so we're just gonna bring this down
00:53 a little bit and then make sure that
00:57 we're not really encroaching on the
00:59 pathway too much
01:08 one more call in here in the back that's
01:12 it for summer pruning thanks for
01:15 watching
Light Summer Pruning - Nectarine
Cindy's Kitchen (snack time!)
The best part of learning about roses is the snacks. Enjoy these great recipes between caring for your roses and fruit trees.

Pecan Tassies
Combine with pastry blender:
¼ cup margarine
¼ cup butter
1 cup flour
3 oz cream cheese
Press into 24 mini muffin tins.
In small sauce pan combine:
1 Tbsp melted butter
¾ cup brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Dash of salt
1 egg
¾ cup chopped pecans
Spoon into muffin tins. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes

Pretzel Turtles
20 mini square or round pretzels
20 rolos
20 pecan halves
Heat oven to 300.
Place pretzels on parchment paper lined cookie sheet with a Rolo on top of each.
Bake 3-4 minutes. Remove from oven and press a pecan half on top of each. Cool.

Cindy’s Original Toll House Cookies
½ cup butter, softened
½ cup butter flavor Crisco
¾ c sugar
¾ c packed light brown sugar
3 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
2 ½ cups flour
1 ¼ tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 ½ cups chocolate chips or M&Ms
1 cup nuts
Preheat oven to 375. Cream butter, Crisco, sugars. Add eggs and vanilla and beat well. Slowly add flour, soda, and salt. Stir in chips and nuts. Drop by rounded teaspoons onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake 8-9 minutes. Makes 6 dozen.

½ cup shortening
¼ cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
¼ cup molasses
2 cups flour
¼ tsp salt
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp cloves
1 tsp ginger
Cream shortening and sugar. Add egg, then molasses. Slowly add dry ingredients.
Chill at least 1 hour. Roll into small balls and roll in white sugar.
Bake in 375 oven for 8-9 minutes. Makes 5 dozen

Lime Coolers
½ cup butter
½ cup margarine
½ cup powdered sugar
1 ¾ cups flour
¼ cup cornstarch
1 Tbsp grated lime peel
½ tsp vanilla
Heat oven to 350. Beat butter, margarine, and sugar. Add rest of ingredients until well blended.
Shape into 1-inch balls. Place 2 inches apart of cookie sheet. With flat glass bottom dipped in sugar, press ball until ¼ inch thick.
Bake 9-11 minutes until edges are light golden brown. Cool then frost by dipping top in glaze.
½ cup powdered sugar
2 tsp grated lime peel
4 tsp lime juice
Make 4 dozen cookies. From Gold Medal Holiday Cookies Booklet #24

Magic Cookie Bars
¼ cup margarine
¼ cup butter
1 ½ cups graham cracker crumbs (9-10 crackers)
1 14-oz can condensed milk
1 cup chocolate chips
¼ cup butterscotch chips
1 ½ cups shredded coconut
1 cup chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 350. In 13x9 pan, melt margarine and butter in microwave or oven. Sprinkle crumbs evenly over melted butter. Pour condensed milk evenly over graham crackers. Top evenly with chips and then nuts. Press down lightly.
Bake 25-30 minutes until lightly browned. Cool slightly and loosen sticky edges with a thin spatula. Cool completely and cut into bars. Store loosely covered at room temperature.
Lemon Icecream
- Combine lemon juice and sugar in a sealable container. Mix well and let sit together for 1-2 hours mixing every so often to help the sugar dissolve into the lemon juice
- Mix Heavy whipping cream, whole milk and the sugar/lemon mixture in a large bowl until well mixed
- Pour mixture into frozen vessel of ice cream maker and make ice cream according to your machine
- Enjoy